eISSN 2348-0696
SJIF : 6.07 (2022)
Open Access

First decision : 10 days
Acceptance to publications : 3 days

Dr. S.V. Rajesh
Vivekanandha Ramakrishna Mission College , Chennai, India.

Dr. J. Pradeep Babu
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.

Dr. Seralathan Kamala Kannan
Chonbuk National University, South Korea.

Dr. Nazish Roy
Dong A University, South Korea.

Dr. S. Karunakaran
Department of Chemical Engineering, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Arasur,
Coimbatore-641 407, India.

Dr. Gnanendra Shanmugam
Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women (Autonomous), Namakkal, India.

  • Open access options

  • Ease of submission

  • Rigorous review

  • Rapid, high-quality publication

  • High visibility and impact

The review process is crucial for maintaining publication standards. All submitted articles, including review articles, undergo double-blind peer review by selected subject experts. This process assists editors in making decisions and allows authors to improve their manuscripts.

We encourage reviewers and editors to be prompt and critical in their evaluations. Regular reminders are sent to reviewers to prevent delays. To be published in ISRP Journals, a manuscript must demonstrate work novelty, significant results, and strong conclusions.

The procedure for reviewing

The editorial staff conducts initial reviews of all submitted manuscripts. Papers that do not meet our criteria for scientific merit and overall style are rejected without formal review, based on informal advice from subject matter experts. Following this screening, manuscripts are sent to two ad hoc reviewers.

During the review process, author identities are removed from the manuscript, including names, affiliations, contact information, acknowledgments, and declarations of conflict of interest that reveal author identity. Reviewers' identities are also masked to each other to ensure fair analysis. We prefer that reviewers remain anonymous to authors throughout and after the review process.

Based on the reviewers' comments, editors make decisions on acceptance with or without revisions,minor revisions required before final decision, major revisions required before final decision, or rejection with specific reasons provided. Review reports are sent to authors without revealing the reviewers' identities.

Upon receipt of the revised manuscript addressing the reviewers' and editors' comments, the editor makes a final decision to accept or reject. Only the editor has the authority to make this decision. Upon acceptance, authors receive an Acceptance Certificate, and the manuscripts are processed for galley proof prior to publication.

Int J Adv Interdis Res   |   eISSN 2348-0696   | Published by: ISRP   |   Innovative Scientific Research Publications