eISSN 2348-0696
SJIF : 6.07 (2022)
Open Access

First decision : 10 days
Acceptance to publications : 3 days

Dr. S.V. Rajesh
Vivekanandha Ramakrishna Mission College , Chennai, India.

Dr. J. Pradeep Babu
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.

Dr.S. De Mandal
Department of Agricultural Sciences, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China.

Dr. Seralathan Kamala Kannan
Chonbuk National University, South Korea.

Dr. Nazish Roy
Dong A University, South Korea.

Dr. S. Karunakaran
Department of Chemical Engineering, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Arasur,
Coimbatore-641 407, India.

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  • High visibility and impact

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Int J Adv Interdis Res   |   eISSN 2348-0696   | Published by: ISRP   |   Innovative Scientific Research Publications